Applications are now being accepted for the 2008/09 session of the Faculty Learning Community for Improving Student Research Literacy. More information is below, and more information about FLCs is available at:
Description: The purpose of this community is to provide a forum for collaboration among faculty and librarians across disciplines to discuss concepts and applications for integration of information literacy into the curriculum. Broadly defined, information literacy is the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information ethically while fostering the development of critical thinking skills. Participants in this community will discuss the philosophy and theories of information literacy and explore methods/approaches for incorporating these concepts into the learning environment.
Support: Each participant has available up to $1,000 to support his or her efforts, for example, purchase of hardware or software, travel to conferences, on-line courses, etc.
Eligibility: Full-time faculty and librarians at assistant rank or above are eligible. Applications from both early career and seasoned faculty are encouraged.
Selection: Librarians and faculty will be selected to create a community representing a variety of disciplines and teaching styles by a subcommittee of CELT.
Submission: Please send an electronic copy of your application to Melody Barton and one original application with your signature page via campus mail to Melody Barton, CELT.
Due date: April 7. Awards will be announced in late April.
Consponsors: The Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) and University Libraries